Behavioral Ecology

Chapter 51

1. What is a fixed action pattern?

2. What is imprinting?

3. State the difference between kinesis, taxis, and migration.

4. Explain why different species use different kinds of signals to communicate with one another.

5. Of “nature” and “nurture,” which has a greater influence on behavior? Explain.

6. Give an example of an experiment which demonstrates the genetic component of a behavior. Do the same for the effect of environment on a behavior.

7. Give an example to suggest the importance of a cognitive map to an animal.

8. How might associative learning explain why unrelated, distasteful or stinging insects have similar colors?

9. Give an example of an experiment that demonstrates the evolution of behavior.

10. How do animals balance the costs and benefits of foraging?

11. What is the general relationship between mating behavior and parental care? What role is played by external versus internal fertilization in parental care?

12. Sexual selection tends to result in exaggerated sexual dimorphism even though the benefits of such adornments or differences seem trivial. Explain why the differences develop and continue.

13. How can you explain the existence of altruistic behaviors? What about between unrelated individuals?